Alright! It's been quite awhile since I have posted a DIY project...
and anyone who keeps up with me on Facebook knows I have a serious glitter problem. So I thought I would share the newest "glittered" items in my new bitchin' office.
You will need Mod Podge, a paint brush OR a foam brush, glitter, and a glass.
I found these little babies at the dollar store. Here's their "before" glamour shots.
Okay - Step One: Pour a SMALL amount of Mod Podge into your goblet. I used a paintbrush and in future projects - I will be using a foam brush. Using your foam brush - spread the magical goo all around the inside of your glass. Squeeze out excess. I used far too much. Less is more in this case.
Step Two: Pour your glitter into your coated glass.
Step Three: Tilt your glass and rotate it slowly to allow the glitter to stick. If you need to, pour more glitter in. When you have fully covered any and all visible goo, pour excess into a bowl or back into it's container.
That's it... Literally. Place your globe(s) in a well ventilated area and allow them to dry.
It will take at least 24 hours.
This is about an hour after they were finished.
You can see the extremely thick layers of Mod Podge and hopefully you understand why I recommend the foam brush. The heavier you are on the glue, the longer the drying process will take.
Good to know for next time. =)
The picture below is about 12 hours after they were "painted."
Done! 24 Hours and they are completely dry. I sprayed the Mod Podge acrylic sealer inside twice. I would assume hairspray works the same for shedding glitter. I haven't decided what to put in them yet, but do not put a lit candle in yours. If you decide to use them for their intended purpose (who does that?) Get the LED tealights. There you have it - awesome little who-knows-what-they-will-hold glitter globes.
<3 Erika

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